Resources » Handbook-Parent/Student » Parent Participation

Parent Participation

Crescent Booster Club / PTO is an all-school organization promoting enthusiasm, offering financial aid, and supporting grades K-12 in all aspects of education including academics, music, drama, and sports. K-12 in all aspects of education: academics, music, drama, and sports. All Crescent School parents and community members are encouraged to take an active part in the activities. Follow them on Facebook group page: Boost Crescent dot Org, or use this link:
You can also email the Booster Club at [email protected].
Parents may visit their child's classroom to get acquainted with teachers and the exciting changes in school. Contact the school office or classroom teacher at least one day in advance as some students have a hard time refocusing after an unannounced interruption and are easily distracted by any break in their routine.  Drop in visits to classrooms are not permitted. Parents must sign in at the office prior to any pre-arranged classroom, lunchroom or playground visit.
Parents interested in volunteering for Field Trips, after talking to the classroom teacher, must fill out a volunteer form. The form is available in the school office, or can be filled out here.