Campus Safety
Unsafe Practices
Students engaged in unsafe practices will be subject to discipline. If parents or students are aware of an unsafe practice please notify the school person in charge.
Bicycles, Heely Skates, Roller Blades, Roller Skates, Skateboards and Scooters
Skateboards, scooters, roller skates/blades, and “Heelys”, are not permitted on school campus inside or outside school buildings, including classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, gym, walkways or playground. Their use on campus is restricted to weekends and other non-school days with parent supervision only. These items, including bicycles are not allowed on the school track at any time.
Students riding bicycles to school should:
1. Walk their bicycle while on school property.
2. Park their bicycle immediately upon arrival. Bicycles are to stay there until school is dismissed.
Students riding bicycles to school should:
1. Walk their bicycle while on school property.
2. Park their bicycle immediately upon arrival. Bicycles are to stay there until school is dismissed.
Knives of any kind are not allowed on the Crescent campus. If a student brings a knife to school it will be confiscated and the student’s parent/guardian will be required to pick it up. Students may be subject to disciplinary action (see 16. Behavior & Counseling / E. Discipline (Middle/High School) in this Handbook)
Closed Campus
ALL STUDENTS ARE TO STAY ON THE SCHOOL CAMPUS AT ALL TIMES DURING THE SCHOOL DAY. (See school map for campus boundaries.) Those who have special circumstances arise during the school day may see the principal to obtain a “Release from Campus”. Although the parking lot is on school property, it IS NOT considered part of the school campus. Upon arrival in the school parking lot, students must proceed directly to the school campus.
Driving on School Property
Middle school students are not allowed to drive motorized vehicles on school property.
Driving students need to obey the 5 MPH speed limit while driving on school property. Speeding or reckless driving, driving without a license, or driving an unlicensed vehicle to school may result in the loss of the privilege to drive on school property or other corrective action.
Driving students need to obey the 5 MPH speed limit while driving on school property. Speeding or reckless driving, driving without a license, or driving an unlicensed vehicle to school may result in the loss of the privilege to drive on school property or other corrective action.
Students will do their part in keeping the campus looking clean and neat. Students have a personal responsibility to pick up litter they see as well as place their litter in the proper receptacle. Students may receive consequences for littering.
Lost and Found
Mark all removable clothing and lunch boxes with your child's name to prevent loss. Names should be clearly visible on gym clothing and tennis shoes. Marking identification on the inside of clothing or shoes does not help prevent theft. The security of personal belongings rests with each student. If an electronic device or jewelry is found, the item is taken to the office, all other items are put on the short coat rack in the cafeteria. Items remaining at the end of the school year will be donated to charity.
Student on Campus After Dismissal
All students are required to leave the school grounds at dismissal time unless they participate in an after school activity. Community sponsored activities on campus are not considered school sponsored activities. Supervision of students in those activities is the responsibility of the community sponsor, and student participants in community activities may not remain on campus after school or arrive on campus until the activity begins. Younger students may not stay at school with their older brother/sister who is in an after school activity. Students in after school activities DO NOT have the opportunity to safely and satisfactorily supervise these younger students. In these cases parents need to provide other arrangements for child care.
School Search and Seizure
To maintain order and discipline in the school and protect the safety and welfare of the students and school personnel, school authorities may search a student, student locker, student automobile, and may seize any illegal, unauthorized or contraband materials discovered in the search. Failure to permit searches and seizures as provided in this policy will be grounds for short or long term suspension and law enforcement agencies may be contacted when appropriate. See district policy 3230 and 3230P on the school’s website:
Lunch Time Gym/Playground Use and Safety
- No snacks or food or drinks of any type will be allowed in the gym during school hours.
- All food and beverage items must be consumed in the cafeteria prior to leaving.
- Students are not allowed to climb on the bleachers.
- Balls are not to be thrown from half-court, students may throw from the 3 point line.
- Balls are not to be thrown up toward the ceiling lights.
- No dodge ball unless supervised.
- Balls may be bounced against the wall below the line separating the concrete area from the area above – no bouncing balls above the concrete.
- Students are not allowed in the locker room without permission from the supervisor.
- Girls are not allowed in the boy’s locker room or boys in the girl’s locker room at any time.
- Middle school lunch supervision will be held in the gym or play shed when weather does not permit being outside.
- High school students are allowed to be in the gym or high school locker bay during lunch and may also be in classrooms with the permission and presence of the classroom teacher.
- Students are not allowed on the track unless supervised.
- Middle school students are not allowed on the playground equipment during school hours.
- High school students are not allowed on the playground equipment at any time.