Getting To and From School
If parents have any questions/concerns regarding bus schedules, stops, route, etc., they should call the office.
Bus drivers will deliver students to their regular bus stop unless provided with written instructions from the parent/guardian. Bus notes should be given to the office in the morning to make sure office staff, teachers and bus drivers all have the correct information for your student.
Bus drivers will deliver students to their regular bus stop unless provided with written instructions from the parent/guardian. Bus notes should be given to the office in the morning to make sure office staff, teachers and bus drivers all have the correct information for your student.
For more Bus Information, including routes and emergency info, click here.
After-School Bus / Pick-Up Changes
Please send a note with your student to bring to the office if the student requires a change from their normal departure from school. Parents may call the office to provide this information any time prior to the last hour of school. We ask that last minute calls be for emergency reasons only as some grades are not in their classroom during the last hour and your message is not guaranteed to reach your student.
Bus Safety – Video Cameras Installed on Buses
The cameras on the buses assure better student management. Video recordings provide the most objective evidence to evaluate discipline problems. The camera enables the driver to maximize focus on safely transporting students.
Bus Stop
School bus stops are considered extensions of the school campus for transportation purposes. Student misbehavior at school bus stops, when reported to the office, will be handled as any other such school misconduct.
Students Arriving/Leaving by Automobile
Parents dropping off their children should do so ONLY in the front parking lot at the covered breezeway. Parents picking up their children during school hours MUST sign out their student in the office prior to picking them up. For safety purposes, students MUST NOT be dropped off or picked up in the bus loading area.
Student Conduct on Buses
The driver is in full charge of the bus and students must obey the driver promptly. In addition to school-wide corrective action for any infractions outlined below, student misconduct on a bus may also be sufficient reason to discontinue providing bus transportation to those students involved. Parents of students damaging school buses will be responsible for proper reimbursement to the school district.
• Students shall ride their regularly assigned bus at all times, unless permission has been granted by the school authorities. School authorities should verify with the drivers the availability of extra seating space and should not issue bus passes for non-regular riders if it will cause standees on the bus.
• No student shall be permitted to leave the bus except at that student's regular stop without a note from the parent or guardian.
• Students may be assigned a seat in which they will be seated at all times, unless permission to change is given by the driver.
• Students must speak quietly.
• Students must dispose of trash in the trash box.
• No student will smoke or light matches on a school bus.
• No student shall eat or drink on the bus without permission from the driver.
• No student shall open a window on the school bus without first getting permission from the bus driver.
• Students shall not at any time extend their head, hands, or arms out of the windows, whether the school bus is in motion or standing still.
• Students must see that they have nothing in their possession that may cause injury to another, such as sticks, breakable containers, any type of firearms, knives, straps or pins extending from their clothing. Also, animals are not permitted on the bus, except for "seeing eye" dogs.
• Students are responsible for keeping their books and personal belongings out of the aisle. Special permission must be granted by school authorities to transport any large items.
• No student will be allowed to talk to the driver more than necessary.
• No student shall sit in the driver’s seat, nor shall any student be to the immediate left or right of the driver.
• Students are to remain seated while the bus is in motion and are not to get on or off the bus until directed to do so by the bus driver.
• Students must leave the bus in an orderly manner and must obey the direction of the school bus driver on bus duty. When boarding or leaving the bus, students should be in view of the driver at all times.
• Students must cross in front of the school bus. Students are not allowed to cross the highway to board or leave the bus unless accompanied by a parent/guardian.
• Students must not stand or play in the roadway while waiting for the bus. Students should leave home early enough to arrive at the bus stop before the bus is due.
• Self-discipline should be exercised by students at the bus loading area. Students should refrain from pushing and shoving other students.
• Students who have to walk some distance along the highway to the bus loading zone must, where practical, walk on the left-hand side facing the oncoming traffic.
• In the event of an actual emergency, emergency exit procedures must be followed. Such procedures will be reviewed and practiced during emergency exit drills.
• No student shall be permitted to leave the bus except at that student's regular stop without a note from the parent or guardian.
• Students may be assigned a seat in which they will be seated at all times, unless permission to change is given by the driver.
• Students must speak quietly.
• Students must dispose of trash in the trash box.
• No student will smoke or light matches on a school bus.
• No student shall eat or drink on the bus without permission from the driver.
• No student shall open a window on the school bus without first getting permission from the bus driver.
• Students shall not at any time extend their head, hands, or arms out of the windows, whether the school bus is in motion or standing still.
• Students must see that they have nothing in their possession that may cause injury to another, such as sticks, breakable containers, any type of firearms, knives, straps or pins extending from their clothing. Also, animals are not permitted on the bus, except for "seeing eye" dogs.
• Students are responsible for keeping their books and personal belongings out of the aisle. Special permission must be granted by school authorities to transport any large items.
• No student will be allowed to talk to the driver more than necessary.
• No student shall sit in the driver’s seat, nor shall any student be to the immediate left or right of the driver.
• Students are to remain seated while the bus is in motion and are not to get on or off the bus until directed to do so by the bus driver.
• Students must leave the bus in an orderly manner and must obey the direction of the school bus driver on bus duty. When boarding or leaving the bus, students should be in view of the driver at all times.
• Students must cross in front of the school bus. Students are not allowed to cross the highway to board or leave the bus unless accompanied by a parent/guardian.
• Students must not stand or play in the roadway while waiting for the bus. Students should leave home early enough to arrive at the bus stop before the bus is due.
• Self-discipline should be exercised by students at the bus loading area. Students should refrain from pushing and shoving other students.
• Students who have to walk some distance along the highway to the bus loading zone must, where practical, walk on the left-hand side facing the oncoming traffic.
• In the event of an actual emergency, emergency exit procedures must be followed. Such procedures will be reviewed and practiced during emergency exit drills.
School Bus Discipline
• Misconduct:
Step 1 - Bus driver discusses behavior with student and copy of report sent to parent.
(Transportation Director calls parents)
(Transportation Director calls parents)
Step 2 - Transportation Director discusses behavior with student and copy of report sent to parent
Step 3 - Student is removed from bus for 1 week.
Step 4 - Student is removed from the bus for 1 month.
Step 5 - Student is removed from the bus for 1 Semester
Step 4 - Student is removed from the bus for 1 month.
Step 5 - Student is removed from the bus for 1 Semester
**Steps can be skipped depending on the severity of the infraction
- Serious cases of misconduct which create unsafe conditions will result in temporary suspension of the offending student.
- Student misconduct on a bus may be sufficient reason to discontinue providing bus transportation to those students involved.