General Information
General Information
This Employee Handbook provides information you need to know about the policies, practices, responsibilities and benefits that are a part of working for the Crescent School District. Only the highlights of personnel information are presented; some details and exceptions have been omitted. As a result, this handbook is not a full and complete official statement of School Board Personnel Policy. Further, it is not a contract for employment or for providing any benefits. Policy numbers are indexed for easy reference.
Changes in business occur constantly, and we often have to alter policies or procedures in order to keep pace. This handbook and the policies described within will be changed or additions will be made from time to time as the Board deems necessary. Any changes will be posted on Crescent School District’s Website. Please become familiar with all of the policies and regulations described here. Keep your Employee Handbook nearby for ready reference. If there are points that are not clear to you, or if problems arise, please consult with your supervisor.
We hope that this information will be helpful to you and that your employment with Crescent School District will be rewarding and productive.
Committed to the Success of Every Student
Throughout Crescent School District, you will find an attitude of commitment to the success of every student. School Board members, teachers, bus drivers, secretaries, all of us are working hard to consistently provide a quality educational experience for our students. We recognize that our students are just as able as students anywhere in the world. We recognize, too, that our staff is just as able as educators anywhere in the world. With that knowledge, there is nothing to keep Crescent School District from providing education as good as any available. Together we will accomplish this.
Public School

Communications with the Media
Community Involvement
Profile of Staff
- 23 Professional Teaching Staff
- 30+ Support Staff
- 15+ Substitute Teachers
Equal Opportunity and Discrimination Statement
In-Service Education
Staff Conduction (Dress)
Professional Staff Meeting
Staff Complaints and Grievances
The Crescent School Board desires open channels of communication with all employees. The Superintendent and the School Board are accessible to all employees.
Any questions, problems, complaints, or suggestions that may arise as a result of your job should first be discussed with your immediate supervisor who will attempt to give you an answer within a reasonable time. If this response is not to your satisfaction, you may take the complaint in writing to each supervisor or administrator in your chain of command. The Crescent School Board abides by the procedure for adjusting grievances as prescribed by law.
Other means of communication between the superintendent and employees include:
- Superintendent’s Advisory Councils
- Principal's Advisory Council
- Teachers and Support Staff
- Superintendent’s Update
- Summary of School Board Meeting
- Allotted time for Employees at School Board meetings
Status Changes
Salary Schedules
Payroll Deductions
It is the policy of the School Board to deduct Federal and State taxes and the employee’s part of social security. The employee may choose to deduct professional dues, United Way or other approved scholarship contributions. Contact the Payroll Department for a list of other types of insurances and TSA’s that can be processed as a voluntary payroll deduction but are not endorsed by the Crescent School Board.
Beginning 1/1/2020, health insurance is offered through the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) the for employees working more than 630 annual hours. Prior to 12/31/2019 the District offers employees vision and dental insurance for all employees who work at least 10 hours per week, and medical plans are optional. A term life insurance is provided through Premera and subsequently trough SEBB. Additional Optional Life Insurance may be purchased through a voluntary payroll deduction.
Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plan
Crescent School District Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plan provides you with the opportunity to save for retirement on a tax-advantage basis. This Plan is a type of qualified plan commonly referred to as a 403(b) plan or TSA (Tax Sheltered Annuity). The Plan is available to all eligible employees. As a participant under the Plan, you may elect to reduce your compensation by a specific amount and have that amount contributed to the Plan as a salary deferral. For information about the Plan and how you can participate, please contact Human Resources.
The School Board, as a part of the salary package for eligible employees, provides a program of retirement benefits under the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems….
Annual Leave (Vacation)
Staff Holidays (Religious Observance and Holidays)
Sick Leave
Military Leave
Personal Leave
Professional Leave
Political Activities
Minimum Hours of Work
Subject to School Board review, the Superintendent shall be authorized to establish daily time schedules for all classifications of employees. In setting such schedules, consideration must be given, but not limited to, evening and weekend responsibilities, wage and hour regulations, comparative schedules of employees in other school systems, and schedules established by other employees in the community that provide a generally accepted standard.
Employees classified as non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), who work more than 40 hours in a work week, are entitled to overtime pay at the rate of 1½ times the regular hourly rate. Overtime pay, approved by the appropriate director/supervisor, is allowed in some circumstances. Requests for approval must be processed prior to the overtime worked, except in the case of an emergency. The standard work week extends from 12:01 a.m. on Sunday until 12:00 midnight on the following Saturday. Overtime not authorized, but still performed, must be paid under the FLSA; however, such unauthorized overtime may be grounds for dismissal of the employee.
The School Board will pay all employees on the last banking day of each month unless otherwise determined.
All payroll will be electronically deposited in a bank/credit union as specified by the employee. In cases of beginning or ending employees, or under other pre-approved circumstances, the payroll will be paid by check. Checks or deposit advices will be sent directly to the employee at the work place or to the address on file in the payroll department.
Supplements for extra duties are as follows:
Fall Sports: September through November
Winter Sports: December through February
Spring Sports: March through May
Others as determined
The use of any tobacco product or electronic cigarette by staff is prohibited on school property, including non-school hours. “School property” shall mean, but is not limited to the following: in any building, facility, or vehicle owned, leased, rented, or chartered by the Crescent School District, on any grounds and property including athletic fields and parking lots, and at any school-sponsored or school related event on-campus or off-campus. For definitions of “Tobacco” and “Electronic Cigarette” refer to policy _____.
Timekeeping / Leave Tracking
All classified employees are to enter time into RedRover. Certificated employees are to schedule time-off in RedRover and arrange for a substitute where possible. The purpose of our timekeeping system is to verify to the building principal/supervisor that you are present and at your assigned place for that day and your time is recorded and paid according to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Staff Conduct
Crescent District staff are expected to respond to students and patrons in a professional, courteous and helpful manner. Obscene or profane language should never be used. Also, students and patrons are expected to extend the same consideration to school staff. Employees must be ever mindful that they are representing the School Board at all times. All employees are required to adhere to the Crescent School District’s Employee Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct applies to all employees whether full-time, part-time, contracted, non-contracted, permanent or temporary employees.
Jury Duty / Supboenaed Employees
Employees will not be penalized in any manner for required jury duty service. Employees subpoenaed as witnesses in trials involving school related incidents are eligible for leave with pay.
Staff Health and Safety (Drug-Free Workplace)
The Crescent School Board subscribes to the provisions of the Drug-Free Work Place Act for itself and all employees of the Crescent School District. A drug-free workplace will be provided by education, record verification, and punishment/required rehabilitation. If the Superintendent has reason to suspect an employee is violating drug statutes, then the Superintendent is authorized to require a medical test at the school system’s expense. The School Board will be advised if any such test is positive for controlled substances.
Transportation Safety
No person shall be employed as a bus driver or bus mechanic unless he/she has a physical exam of the scope required by the Board of Education. In addition, every bus driver and bus mechanic shall undergo an annual physical exam as a condition of continued employment. The School Board also requires drug testing for bus drivers and bus mechanics upon initial employment and alcohol and drug testing on a random basis thereafter.
Personnel Records
Upon request, an employee has the right to review the contents of his/her personnel file, except for references which are received on the basis of pledged confidentiality as a part of pre-employment process. References, who have waived this confidentiality in writing, may have their reference forms reviewed by the employee.
Professional staff members may not be compensated by students, parents, or guardians for tutoring pupils from their own classes. Staff may tutor students in an approved program when compensated by the School Board and such activity does not interfere with their normal workday.
Gifts to School Personnel
The School Board discourages gifts to employees and those received must be nominal (not elaborate or unduly expensive). Gifts of instructional materials or equipment shall become the property of the School System. Employees cannot accept money or anything of value for work performed within the scope of their duties other than regular pay, use their position for personal economic benefit, or accept anything of value that may tend to influence decisions. Employees may not use their position, or information acquired because of their position, for their own or anyone else’s economic benefit.
Workers' Compensation
Employees shall report all work related injuries, regardless of how minor, to their Supervisor and the Workers’ Compensation Coordinator located at the work site prior to leaving the work site at the end of the work day.
The Workers’ Compensation Coordinator will complete an Accident Report form and arrange medical and/or first aid treatment, if necessary. Failure to report an injury before leaving the work site may jeopardize workers’ compensation benefits. The Workers’ Compensation Coordinator will submit the completed form to OESD 114, at which point, the OESD 114 workmen’s compensation staff will work with the employee and District as necessary for successful resolution of the claim.
Acceptable Computer System Use
The School Board provides a computer system, including the Internet, to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. All use of the Division’s computer system must be (1) in support of education and/or research, or (2) for legitimate school business. Any communication or material used on the computer system, including electronic mail or other files deleted from a user’s account, may be monitored or read by school officials. Acceptable computer system use procedures shall include: a prohibition against use by the division employees and students of the division’s computer equipment and communications services for sending, receiving, viewing or downloading illegal material via the Internet; provisions, including the selection and operation of a technology protection measure for the division’s computers having Internet access to filter or block Internet access through such computers, that seek to prevent access to child pornography, obscenity, material that the school division deems to be harmful to juveniles, material that is harmful to minors and material that is otherwise inappropriate for minors. Each employee must read and sign the Acceptable Computer System Use form.
All vacancies in professional and support positions are posted on the Crescent School District website, and are sent by email to all active employees. All applications should be submitted on-line through the NeoGov site.
All qualified applications are given consideration and viable candidates will be contacted for interviews. All interviewed applicants will receive notice of their selection or non-selection for employment.
The School Board, upon recommendation by the Superintendent, employs all school personnel. The school principal(s), appropriate director/supervisor, and any others deemed appropriate by the Superintendent, participate in the selection process and make recommendations to the Superintendent.
Assignment and Reassignment
The School Board, upon recommendation by the Superintendent, assigns all employees to a school/place of employment. The School Board, upon recommendation by the Superintendent, may reassign employees or may authorize the Superintendent to make the reassignment.
Contracts will be made by the Board with all certificated employees in a form prescribed by the Superintendent. The School Board will endeavor to execute such contracts as soon as possible after such employees assume their duties. A letter of intent may be given to the employee in order to allow time to establish the terms of employment and verification of experience. Written contracts for classified staff, substitutes or temporary employees are not required.
Dismissal, Suspension, or Staff Reduction
If a person is to be dismissed or placed on probation, then it will be done in accordance with ____ and with School Board policy.
The Superintendent may suspend teachers in accordance with provisions of the law. All other personnel may be suspended by the Superintendent in accordance with School Board policy.
In the event that it is necessary to reduce overall staffing, staff reductions will be made based on applicable bargaining agreements, or ____
Certificate Renewal
Each certificated employee has the responsibility of keeping his/her certificate active.
Outside Employment
Outside employment is permitted if it does not interfere or adversely affect the employee’s performance at school and does not reflect in a negative way on the core values of the Crescent School District.
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