Payroll - How Things Work
- Pay Day is generally the last business day of each month.
- Pay Roll Cut Off is the last business day of the month. Extra hours, changes in schedule, overtime or holiday work should be approved by your supervisor in advance and will be paid in the following month.
- Teacher, Administrator and Management contracts are divided into twelve equal monthly payments. Timesheet hours for teachers are rare but could include after school tutoring programs, subbing for other teachers during prep time or teacher mentor hours. Time is reported through RedRover Extra Duty.
- Classified Staff are paid hourly. Annual hours are calculated and divided into twelve equal monthly payments. Changes, absences, or additional time is reported through RedRover Absence Management and Extra Duty. OPHC Workshop leaders report time and time off using RedRover
- Coaching contracts are paid out in two to five months based on the length and months of the season. Classified employees who are coaching should keep track of their coaching hours on a coaching log and turn it in to the Payroll Office at the end of the season.
- Pay Advice (pay stub) for each employee is available electronically in Employee Access in Skyward. Employees will receive an email when payroll is processed each month. Employee Access information includes check history, check estimator, Year-to-Date information, W-2 Information and more. See FINDING PAY AND TIME OFF INFORMATION IN SKYWARD for specifics. If you need assistance or have questions about your pay, contact the Payroll Office.
Time Off Reporting in RedRover Absence Management. To enter an absence sign in to RedRover and on your Home Page, you will be able to create absences, view your upcoming schedule, and see any scheduled absences in the future.
- Teacher and Para educator absences will generate a request for a substitute when an absence is entered unless the absence is designated as "No Sub Required".
- Bus Drivers, Food Service and Custodial workers should contact their supervisor about absences as well as enter them in RedRover. Supervisors will contact substitutes directly rather than using the automated call out system.
- All other Support Staff (office, nurse, counselor, maintenance, etc) should enter their absence even though no sub is required. Supervisors and the office will be notified when an employee puts in an absence.
- RedRover will have correct time off balances. Balances in Employee Access will be updated monthly with payroll when absences are exported from RedRover. Contact the Payroll Office if you see a discrepancy or have questions about your balances.
- Custom Absence times can be entered for partial days. Teachers should always request a sub for the whole day even if they only need coverage for part of the day. If arrangements have been made with other teachers to cover one period of the day and no outside sub is required enter the absence and provide details in the comments section of the absence.
- Absences for Professional Development (Training) or School Business (Field Trips, Meetings) must be preapproved by the superintendent. Include details about the absence when you enter it and allow extra time for approval.
- Absences cannot be entered retroactively. Contact the Payroll Office if for some reason you were unable to enter an absence.
- Absences can be entered by phone or on-line. See the guide or video below for instructions on entering an absence.
TIMESHEETS in REDROVER EXTRA DUTY. To access timesheets sign in to RedRover and select "Timesheets"
- Employees regular scheduled hours are calculated and paid over 12 months. Variances in your regular scheduled hours will be entered into a timesheet. A comment will be required if a change is made to time. Please note, any absence should be recorded in absence management (see above). Timesheet is for changes or additions to your regularly scheduled hours.
- Employees with more than one position will need to notate the variance by position.
- Timesheets will be available for extra time such as training, subbing or summer hours. This added time can be added as appropriate.
- Timesheets should be reviewed and submitted weekly.
- OPHC Workshop Leaders will be paid based on time worked. Time will NOT be calculated and paid over the semester; Timesheets will be utilized for pay.
- Timesheet hours for the prior month will be paid on the current months check.
- Employees will enter their hours on a timesheet
- Employee absences will be put into absence management ONLY if using paid time off (ie sick leave pay, personal day pay). Not all Workshop Leaders have accrued time off, so please check your balances in RedRover or contact the Payroll Office.
TEACHERS - Timesheets are available to report in-service or additional approved time such as mentoring, working during prep or special assignments that has received prior approval. Timesheets can be added and submitted as appropriate.
Time Off for Administrators and Management Contracts can be entered in RedRover. See above for instructions
PAYROLL FORMS - Basic payroll forms are found below.
Required Payroll Forms for New Employees
Optional Forms for All Employees
Forms for Payroll Updates and Changes