Summer School Puts on 'Pirates! The Musical' Performance

Twenty-one summer school students worked on math with Mr. Djenaba...but then...they hit the High C's with singing, dancing, stage production, and all in "good" pirate dialect under the direction of Miss Higgins.  The show was a smashing success with a filled audience.  Their performance of Pirates! The Muscial starred Mariah Hopper as Stowaway (who narrowly escaped walking the plank and prison) and Zac Holmes as King of the High C's. 
Sword-swingin'-singin', bearded pirates were casted as Bluebeard (Naomii Sprague), Blackbeard (Katelyn Dunevant), Yellowbeard (Mataya Franklin), Whitebeard (Andrew Holmes), Purplebeard (Alexis Dunavant), Redbeard (Chloe Adams), Greenbeard (Maggie Holmes), and Orangebeard (Lilian Lovejoy).
No-bearded pirates providing backup sword-swingin' and singin' were Iyla Criel, Tanaya Frankling, Kaleb Grooms, Carsen Grooms, William Lovejoy, Leah Lovejoy, Tristan Powers, Jax Sprague, Liam Sprague, and Raymond Wagner.
Looking forward to seeing more talent from these wonderful young mateys!