School Board » Board Meetings 2019-20 Fiscal Year » September 26, 2019

September 26, 2019

Crescent School District
Board of Directors

Regular Meeting


September 26, 2019

7:00 p.m.   Crescent School Library


1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Declaration of Quorum / Pledge of Allegiance / Reading of Mission or Vision Statement
2. Hearing of Delegation or Audience Members
3. Consent Agenda
    • 4.1  Approval of board meeting minutes as listed
    • 4.2  Approval of Warrants
    • 9.1  Adopt Board and Superintendent Goals for 19/20
    • 9.2 Approve Small Works Roster for 2019/20
    • 9.3  Approve Revised Resolution 201903 to correct 19/20 salaries and add coaching salaries
    • 9.4  Approve items for surplus as listed.
    • 10.1  Approve new hires as listed.
    • 10.2  Approve 19/20 co-curricular contract for Katy Middlestead as Freshman Class Advisor

4. Regular Business
  1. Approval of board meeting minutes as listed
    1. August 29, 2019 regular board meeting 
    2. September 16, 2019 board study session
      • Recommended Action:  Approve board meeting minutes as listed.
  2. Approval of Warrants as listed
    1. 8/30/19 Payroll Wires 900007560-900007615 and Warrants 73423-73439, $348,577.41 + $1,173.47
    2. 8/30/19 Gen Fund AP Warrants, 249734-249758, $29,446.54
    3. 8/30/19 Gen Fund AP Warrants, 249759-249765, $49,903.87
    4. 9/16/19 Gen Fund AP Warrants, 249766-249777, $13,106.69
    5. 9/16/19 Gen Fund AP Warrants, 249778-249810, $26,985.47
    6. 9/16/19 ASB AP Warrants, 15227-15229, $2,423.80
    7. 9/19/19 ASB AP Warrants, 15230-45235, $14,444.55
    8. 9/16/19 CAP AP Warrants, 10336-10337, $3,905.85
      • Recommended Action:  Approve warrants as listed.
5. Student Report(s)
     5.1  ASB Class Officer Elections
6. Principal Report (Therese Carroll)
8. Transportation and Facilities Report (Randy Rooney)
9. New Business
  1. Adopt Board and Superintendent Goals for 19/20
    • Recommended Action:  Adopt Board and Superintendent Goals for 19/20.
  2. Approve Small Works Roster for 2019/20
    • Recommended Action:  Approve Small Works Roster for 2019/20
  3. Adopt Resolution 201903 (Revision 3) to correct 19/20 salaries and add coaching salaries that are not listed elsewhere.  (They used to be tied to the LEAP matrix, but that is no longer.)
    • Recommended Action:  Approve Revised Resolution 201903 to correct 19/20 salaries and add coaching salaries.
  4. Approve Items for Surplus as listed.
    • Recommended Action:  Approve items for surplus as listed.
10.  Personnel
  1. New Hires:
    1. Anna Pederson as OPHC workshop leader starting 19/20 school year.
    2. Toni Clark as Para-Educator starting 19/20 school year.
    3. Ed McKay as Para-Educator and Bus Driver starting 19/20 school year. 
      • Recommended Action:  Approve new hires as listed.
  2. Approve 19/20 Co-curricular contract for Katy Middlestead as Freshman Class Advisor.
    Recommended Action:  Approve 19/20 co-curricular contract for Katy Middlestead as Freshman Class Advisor
11. Superintendent Report
  1. Strategic Plan Update:  Facilities & Fiscal
  2. Levy Planning:  Community Meeting on 10/9/19 at 6:30 p.m.
12. Items from the Board
  1. Policy Committee
13. Executive Session
  1. Student Matter
14. Adjournment
  1. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for October 24, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Crescent School Library
  2. A community planning meeting is planned for October 9, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the Crescent School Library