School Board » Board Meetings 2018-19 Fiscal Year » September 27, 2018

September 27, 2018

Crescent School District
Board of Directors
Regular Meeting


September 27, 2018 

7:00 p.m.   Crescent School Library
PROCEDURAL 1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Declaration of Quorum / Pledge of Allegiance / Reading of Mission or Vision Statement
PROCEDURAL 2.  Hearing of Delegation or Audience Members
ACTION 3. Consent Agenda

4.1  Approval of board meeting minutes as listed:
       4.1.1  08/30/18 regular board meeting
       4.1.2  09/13/18 special meeting #1
       4.1.3  09/13/18 special study meeting #2
4.2  Approval of Warrants as outlined
8.3  Authorize the annual transfer of the amount of the 17/18 van usage from fund balance GL 890 to the restricted GL 870 for the future purpose of purchasing a new van.
9.1  Approve personnel recommendations as listed on attached.


RECOMMENDED ACTION:  By board motion, approve items on the consent agenda as listed.​

ACTION 4.  Regular Business

4.1 Approval of board meeting minutes as listed
      4.1.1   08/30/2018 regular board meeting
      4.1.2   09/13/2018 special meeting #1
      4.1.3   09/13/2018 special study meeting #2
RECOMMENDED ACTION:  By board motion, approve board meeting minutes as listed.


4.2 Approval of Warrants

  Fund Total Warrant/Wire # Range
4.2.1 Gen Payroll (Aug) $268,152.19 900006680-6734, 73222-73237
4.2.2 Gen AP $  19,784.75 248766-248796
4.2.3 Gen AP $  17,376.77 248797-248804
4.2.4 Gen AP $  68,509.13 248805-248822
4.2.5 Gen AP $  52,018.70 248823-248847
4.2.6 ASB AP $      145.72 15100-15100
4.2.7 ASB AP $    1,140.69 15101-15102
4.2.8 ASB AP $    1,603.39 15103-15106
4.2.9 CAP AP $  13,908.62 10322-10324

RECOMMENDED ACTION:  By board motion, authorize payment of vouchers and payroll as presented.

INFORMATION 5.  Student and School Program

5.1  Student Reports
5.2  Report from Associate Principal/AD

INFORMATION 6. Finance & Enrollment

6.1  Finance & Enrollment Report

INFORMATION 7. Transportation and Facilities

  8. New Business

8.1  2019 grad trip update


8.2  Graduation date and time


8.3   Authorize the annual transfer of the amount of the 17/18 van usage from fund balance GL 890 to the restricted GL 870 for the future purpose of purchasing a new van.

  9.  Personnel

9.1  Approve personnel recommendations as listed on attached.

RECOMMENDED ACTION:  By board motion, approve personnel recommendations as listed on attached.

INFORMATION 10. Superintendent's Report

10.1  Student care program
10.2  ALICE training update
10.3  MAPS testing
10.4  Facilities / Office

DISCUSSION 11. Items from the Board​
PROCEDURAL 12. Executive Session​

12.1 Personnel Matter

PROCEDURAL 13. Adjournment

13.1  The next regular board meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Crescent School Library. 

13.2  A special study session is scheduled for Thursday October 18, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the Crescent School Library for further work on the strategic plan.